2 corinthians 9:15

Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. “2 Corinthians 9:15″

Have you ever received a valuable gift from someone and wondered why that person made such a huge investment or sacrifice to make you happy or meet your needs? Well, no matter how precious such a gift is or its value, it can never be compared to the gift God gave you and humanity.

It is easy for a wealthy person to give you a fragment of his wealth. It might be worth the world to you, but it may mean nothing to them because what’s left is enormous. However, it takes great sacrifice and genuine love for a person to give you their last coin.

This is the kind of gift God has given to you. God gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as an ultimate sacrifice for your sin so that by His death on the Cross, you may receive eternal life and freedom from the yoke of death. This gift is so indescribable valuable. As beautiful and precious as this gift is, you have the choice to receive or reject it.

Receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour, does not only saves you from eternal perdition but opens the windows of heavens for God’s glorious, fulfilling blessings to be poured out on you.

Thank God for His unspeakable gift, but make sure you receive the gift with your heart.

Let us pray:

Dear Lord, almighty Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me Your beloved, dear only begotten Son, Jesus, as a priceless gift. Thank You for His sacrifice, which has brought salvation to all who accept and believe in Him. Please, give me the grace to receive this unspeakable gift. May this gift bring me everlasting life, joy, peace, and eternal blessings. Please help me to cherish it and guard it jealously by living a righteous and holy life. May sin and the enemy of my soul not take it away from me. Thank you dear Lord, almighty Heavenly Father. I pray this throughout the mighty, glorious, fulfilling name, of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Much LoVe, JoY, Peace and Blessings through Jesus Christ, our almighty, wonderful dear Lord, Saviour and Redeemer.


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