Pure Devotion

The Bridegroom is coming, for a bride that is spotless Those who have washed in the blood of Christ And keeping themselves in the love of their Saviour Waiting for Him, with their lamps alight To have my lamp burn bright for You, Lord […]

I thank You Lord Jesus

“Morning Song” I thank You Lord Jesus... You’re greater and You live within me... I’ll sing praise forever... For greater are You that is in me... Than he that is in the world Chorus: You’re wonderful, You fill me with joy You are my […]

The teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ

Note and Bibical scripture reference on John 7:16 Jesus did not invent His teaching and it did not come from other men. It came from God the Father who sent Him. See also John12:49;17:8. Since Jesus was honest we should truly believe Him about […]

Faith is the Victory

Based on Revelation 3:5; 2:11; 1 John 5:4; Matthew 24:13 and Revelation 3:12; 2:26 He who overcomes, shall be clothed in garments white, I will not blot out, his name from the Book of Life. He who overcomes, he will not be hurt by […]

Our God shall supply all your needs

Note and Biblical Scripture References on Philippines 4:19 God will meet our needs according to His great riches. There is a principle at work in this matter which we should all learn and put into practice. Read also Luke 6:38 and 2 Corinthians 9:6-8. […]

God Is Wonderful To Me

God Is Wonderful To Me God is perfect, God is great God is wonderful to me, God is powerful, God is faithful God is wonderful to me.... By Christ Our Life www.christourlife.ca

From Glory To Glory

Based on Philippines 3:20, 21; 2 Corinthians 5:2-4 and 1 John 3:2; 4:17 From heaven’s place we eagerly wait, For Jesus our Savior to come; Who will transform and make to conform, Our lives to the glorious Son. In this we groan to be […]

Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song

Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song, His praise in the congregation of the saints.Psalms 149:1 Note and Biblical References on Psalms 149.1 “Praise the LORD”- (Read also vers 9 and Psalms 104:35) This is a psalm of joyful praise to […]

Thanks Be to Our God

Based on 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 and Ephesians 3:20-21 We are the temple of Christ The fullness of God is at work in us He is our hope and our life Jesus is making us glorious Chorus: Thanks be to our God Who always leads […]