Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. “Psalms 130:2′
Have you ever been in a situation where you were unable to help yourself and felt a sense of desperation? Have you been deep in trouble and it seems like there’s no way out? Usually, pride or ego makes it quite difficult for humans to seek help when in trouble or distress. Our ability to be creative in finding solutions to our problems sometimes gives us the notion that we are self sufficient and self dependent. However, when we realize that we have hit rock bottom, we tend to exhibit desperation in our call for help. Overwhelming situations have a way of exposing our vulnerabilities and humbling us, which helps break the defense that our ego has built around us.
The above verse is a desperate plea for help, a cry for attention coming from a strong desire to be heard by God. It is a plea made out of humbleness of heart without a sense of self righteousness and arrogance. When we are overwhelmed with life issues and get tired, we can turn to God to save us. Many times because we need help urgently, we get into panic mode when we don’t get an immediate response and assume that God did not hear us. God certainly will hear our voice and cry, every unsaid request and the most secret desire of our hearts, and will always answer us.
Let us pray:
Dear Lord almighty Heavenly Father, I thank You because You hear and answer my prayers. I am thankful that I can pour out my troubles and frustrations at Your feet, knowing with a trustworthy peacefully understanding that You will take care of all my needs. I am glad and grateful that nothing is impossible for You to do. Help me to be less self righteous when approaching You with my heart desires, and to trust in You completely with all my heart. Because of Your mercy, You will hear my voice when I call upon You, and send me answers throughout you’re precious, divine, fulfilling ways. In the name of Your beloved dear Son Jesus Christ I will give You all the honor, praise and glory forevermore. Amen.
Much LoVe, JoY, Peace and Blessings through Jesus Christ, our wonderful, almighty, dear infinite loving Lord, Saviour and Redeemer, in who we faithfully abide, trust, believe and abundantly do receive, throughout His marvelous righteous Word and His truth fulfilling Holy Spirit.