Romans 8:36

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

“John 8:36′

Man was made in the unique image and likeness of God to be like Him in functionality and act like Him throughout His precious devine character. He is the Lord of Lord’s, King of Kings who reigns over every creation on earth as it is in heaven. Man was reduced to a slave. He was enslaved by sin, limited by the curse, and he lived in toil and hardship. Adherence to the Law could not save man because it was rendered weak by the sinful state of man. Being morally upright and doing good works cannot free man from the power of sin and its consequences.

No one had the power to save man
except God; He came into the world as a true infinite loving righteous man and beloved Son of God, so that humanity can be eternally set free from the claws of sin and its captivating power. Salvation from the oppression of sin can only be affected throughout the mighty glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. True liberty can only be experienced by knowing the Lord Jesus Christ intimately throughout His marvelous righteous Word and His truth fulfilling Holy Spirit. Affiliation with a religious sect cannot guarantee true freedom, you can only encounter truth fulfilling salvation by receiving   the Lord Jesus Christ in you’re life.

Sin no longer has dominion over every truth believer who have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ ; they cannot be compelled by it. They have been liberated to serve God in Spirit and in truth. They are set FREE from the hardships and struggle as a result of the curse and can enjoy all of God’s abundantly blessings. As a result of their faith, they become true inherited children of God. This is true FREEDOM  through our Lord Jesus Christ…


Dear Lord almighty Heavenly Father, I am so very thankful for the work of Your of you salvation that has released me from the dominion of sin onto a life as truth inherited child of God. I am very grateful for the privilege of being joint and emerged through Jesus Christ. I pray for Your grace to work out my salvation and never let me return to the servitude of sin. Help me always to remember that I have been set free from all curses, failures, and limitations in my life so that I will no longer be limited by evil’s lies. I live a life of victory against sin and every blessing associated with my place as a child of God, thank you for hearing my prayers and for all the wonderful things that you make me receive so abundantly every single moment of the day. I pray this throughout the mighty wonderful name of Jesus Christ, Amen…

Much LoVe, JoY, Peace and Blessings, through Jesus Christ, our almighty, wonderful, dear caring Lord, Saviour and Redeemer, in who we faithfully abide, trust, believe and abundantly do receive throughout His marvelous righteous Word and truth fulfilling Holy Spirit.


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