How to know God

Even before you think of opening the bible to study or listening to sermon, or reading anointed books, and the rest, your desire, intention, pursuit, hunger , zeal, motive for doing all those positive things must be to know God. Your number one priority must be first to know God before any other thing comes in. our God is called JEHOVAH QANNA (Kan-naw) meaning  A jealous God, He does not share His glory with any one. Philippians 3:10. That I may know Him, and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death. That I may know him, before any other thing it is him first. Your reason for fasting should be Him, your reason for praying should be Him, your reason for worship should be Him, your reason for cramming scriptures should be Him. Because it is better to please God than to please men. Galatians 1:10. So in the beginning of everything you do, it must first be God. Because even Satan knows the scriptures, but doesn’t have a relationship with God.


There are four biblical steps to know God.


In the bible there are names recorded that even when you call him those names with understanding, he will show up for you. JEHOVAH RAPHA will only heal you, JEHOVAH TSIDKENU will only make you righteous. It won’t bring peace,only JEHOVAH SHALOM will bring peace. JEHOVAH JIREH will only provide it won’t act as JEHOVAH RAAH (The lord is my shepherd,so to the others The names of God


2 Timothy 3:16 all scripture is  given by inspiration of God,and is profitable for doctrine for reproach, for correction for instruction in righteousness. All scriptures is given by inspiration of God. So as you study scriptures, you begin to know God. Because scriptures open you up to the mysteries of the kingdom of God, Scriptures reveals to us the nature of God. How God acts and his strategy, channels, technique, method etc. I have search the bible to know that with God all things are possible, so when I trust God. It is based on the trust of scriptures. Because, the scriptures are not in vain James 4:5.


You can know God by knowing Jesus, anything Jesus speaks is what God speaks,(Hebrews 1:2) Jesus did not just come to die alone . (John 14:6) He’s the way, the truth and life, no man cometh unto the father but by him. Jesus also came to correct our mindset and perception of what we think   about God , sometimes we think that God is  wicked,  sometimes we think that God  is  kind, if something happen we  will now think that God is not  answering our prayers or God has forgotten us. So by studying Jesus we may know God. Jesus also came as a rendition of God’s wish or impulse for us.
He came to show us that we are victorious, that we can walk in power and he display it, he also came as a sacrifice to wipe away the sins of the world, the one who is the receptor of the new promise or covenant. As a witness of God’s love. Proofing through his death, burial, resurrection, ascension and his enthronement so Jesus is the accurate representation of God. So by studying Jesus, you will know God.


(Job 42:5) I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye seeth thee. There are some things you will know about God, that only your experience will minister   to you, that when you say God is Great, there is a track record of what he has done. When the children of Israel saw the mighty works of God how he divided the red sea, with the blast of his nostrils (Exodus 15:8) they sang a song in (vers 11) which we all are singing today. Your experience, so any experience you had with God, find something out of it.

Much LoVe, JoY, Peace and Blessings through Jesus Christ, our wonderful, almighty, dear, caring Lord, Saviour and Redeemer in who ever Christian abide, trust, believe and abundantly do receive throughout His marvelous righteous Word and truth fulfilling Holy Spirit.


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