As for God His way is perfect.

As for God His way is perfect. (Psalms 18:30)

Our almighty dear caring Heavenly Father always looks at the end from the beginning. This is something that we human beings cannot comprehend, but if we wait patiently, God Himself will teach us.

From the time God called David He had for him a very high and heavenly purpose, though David did not realize this for many years. We also, when we first come to the Lord in repentance, do not know what is in the mind of God for us in saving us. At that time we are only concerned about being forgiven, washed, cleansed, and made righteous before God, and when He does begin to teach us His own way we begin to question Him or even resist Him. But we see from the Word of God that, through difficulties of different kinds, God seeks to reveal His mind clearly and progressively to us. Everything experienced in this begins to have a deeper and a more heavenly and eternal meaning. We find that God is leading us in His own way, according to His own mind, thought and plan, we shall find that we have to wait very patiently to learn the mind of God.

Much LoVe, JoY, Peace and Blessings through Jesus Christ, our almighty, wonderful, dear caring Lord, Saviour and Redeemer, in who we faithfully abide, trust, believe and abundantly do receive throughout His marvelous righteous Word and truth fulfilling Holy Spirit.


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