I Open Up My Heart

I open up my heart
And draw near to You Lord
Please wash my dirty feet
Humbly I bow and pray
I call upon Your name
Lord, come deliver me
I come into Your light
My sin I will not hide for I want to be clean When temptation comes my way Help me to stand in faith so that I will not yield
When sin lies at my door
I know Your greater Lord
Than he that’s in the world
And I must master it
By grace I will resist
And choose this day whom I’ll serve
Father, keep me from temptation
Father, I need your grace to stand
Father, deliver me from evil
Give me a hatred for my sin.
How can I keep my way
Clean and pure this day
By taking heed to Your word
I’ll hid Your word within
That I might not sin
And please the one whom I serve

By Christ Our Life http://www.christourlife.ca


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