Are you living for the LORD?

“And Jehoiada made a covenant between the LORD, the king, and the people, to be a people unto the LORD; and also between the king and the people.” (as we can read in 2 Kings 11:17) Priest Jehoiada made a covenant, between Judah and the Lord. He caused the people to live devotedly to God again, by making a promise to God. Judah chose to be a people for the LORD.

Are you living for the LORD? Or are you living for something/someone else?

The kings before young King Joash, he was 7 years old when he became king, did not all live for the LORD. In fact, some even deliberately chose against God and did things that were not according to God’s will. The people followed the example of their leader; they went along with what the king was doing. Jehoiada, priest of the LORD, knew this was how it worked; he used it, by having the king make a covenant with God. He knew that the people would follow, that they would answer the question “are you living for the LORD” differently when they saw a good king.

It helps people when there is a good example; fortunately, the Lord Jesus Christ is the perfect example of how the church should live. Jesus Christ did what God the Father asked of Him (As we can Read in John 5:19), He was perfectly obedient in everything (As we can read in 1 Peter 2:22). He lived perfectly for the LORD, He is the example you are supposed to follow. In everything, in every situation, no matter what came to Him. Jesus Christ continually chose the way God had for Him. That is what belongs to living fully for the LORD, walking God’s way. Every day you might struggle with the flesh, every day your flesh desires things that are not according to God’s will (As read in Galatians 5). At the same time, the Holy Spirit wants to lead you to obey God and His marverlous righteous Word (as we can read Ezekiel 36:27); He wants to enable you to do so. You can choose: do you walk your own way, the way of the world and/or satan? Or will you walk God’s way and live for the LORD? That is a daily choice, a daily struggle; but thankfully we are more than victors, through Him who loved us (as we can read in Romans 8:37).

God’s way might not the easiest or a painless way; it is way on which there will be suffering, pain and trouble. At the same time, you may know that in all that God Himself is with you; you may learn in and through all that His grace is sufficient (as we can read in 2 Corinthians 12). That is the very best, that is exactly.what you need. Living for the LORD means living according to Who He is and what He gives; no longer according to you’re fleshly way but throughout the Spirit of God. That is a way of living that gives so much peace, takes so much pressure off your own shoulders. Living for our LORD means living in complete dependence on Him and Him alone. That goes directly against a lot of what the world teaches you, of what people say to you. And yet this is the way of life that God has for His children; you may learn to live according to Who your Heavenly Father is. In everything you may learn to be thankful (as we can read in Colossians 4:2), you may learn to pray in and for everything (as we can read in Philippians 4). The life that God has for you is a life that is first and foremost centered on Him and completely before Him.

What are you living for?

King Joash was allowed to learn from priest Jehoiada to live for the LORD, God Himself. That is exactly the lesson we may learn too, to live for the LORD.

Are you living for the LORD? Or are you living for something/someone else?

It is very easy to say “yes” to this question, it is a greater challenge to live it every day. Think about this, ask the LORD if there are things in your heart that you consider more important than Him. Let Him judge your heart (as read in Hebrews 4:12), let Him lead you in making the right choice.

It comes down, as it so often does, to choices; what are you living for?

Living for the LORD is a, daily, choice; it is something of your will, not always of your feelings. It may even go directly against your feelings, living for the LORD; and yet this is the best choice you can make. This is how life is supposed to be, what you were made for.

Are you living for the LORD? Are you choosing to live for Him?

Much LoVe, JoY, Peace and Blessings through Jesus Christ, our almighty dear caring Lord, Saviour and Redeemer, in who we faitfully abide, trust, believe and abundantly do receive throughout His marvellous righteous Word and truth fulfilling Holy Spirit ✝️🔥👑🙏🕊️

🌟 Emmanuel ✨


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